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Home > About > Our Compliance Culture > SABIC Code of Ethics


The SABIC Code of Ethics provides the foundation for our Integrity Culture, a key element in how we deliver value to all of our stakeholders, including our employees, customers, vendors, investors and the communities where we operate. The Code of Ethics offers guidelines for employee behavior and good decision-making and affirms our commitment to upholding our core beliefs every day and in every business dealing across the globe.

To view full PDF version of SABIC “Code of Ethics”:

At SABIC, our Code of Ethics is the foundation for everything that we do.  As such, we are committed to ensuring that our actions comply with our Code of Ethics, as well as applicable laws and regulations. We expect our third party business partners to work under similar principles of compliance and business ethics.

SABIC aims to foster an environment in which every person feels confident and comfortable to speak up and raise concerns in good faith.  In order to do so, we offer reporting channels to our employees, as well as to any external stakeholder, including third party business partners and community members.  Concerns may be reported  via email to or by clicking the below link to access our external reporting system.

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Concerns may be reported anonymously, as permitted by law, and all reports will be treated confidentially.

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