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Home > Careers > Europe > Students and Fresh Graduates


Europe is playing a vital role in SABIC’s long-term success. To sustain our growth, we offer exciting and challenging career opportunities to graduates and students.


Your first job at SABIC will be based on your personal competencies. However, when you are ready for your next step, you could opt to switch departments or even sectors. We believe in allowing you to find your own path—as long as your skills match what we are looking for.

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SABIC offers internships to students at intermediate (Dutch MBO), Bachelor, and Master level. Internships focus primarily on

  • chemistry (chemical technology is equivalent to process technology. We also hire chemists)
  • process technology
  • mechanical engineering
  • business administration

We pursue a selective internship policy, which requires you to have

  • an education in line with our business
  • personal skills that match our company
  • enthusiasm and an active interest in SABIC

Our Manufacturing and Research & Development departments have provided guidance to interns for many years. Interns in these fields are very welcome in SABIC—before and after graduation.

We offer internships in other departments, such as Human Resources, Communications, Finance & Information, and Marketing & Sales.

During your internship, we take a close interest in how you tackle your assignment and your overall performance. Prove yourself to be one of the people who can, and you could secure a permanent job with us.

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