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SABIC is one of the top three largest global chemical companies with more than 45 years of organic and inorganic growth.

SABIC is a diversified chemical company, built around three Strategic Business Units (SBUs) – Chemicals, Polymers, and Agri-Nutrients – that operate across the chemical value chain, providing products, applications, and solutions to a wide range of end-use industries.

SABIC, headquartered in Riyadh, has a global footprint serving its customers in more than 140 countries, operating across Americas, Europe, Middle East & Africa and Asia Pacific.

Through innovation, learning and operational excellence, SABIC partners with its customers to responsibly provide them quality products and services.

SABIC creates Chemistry That Matters™.

Why to invest?

Market Leader:

  • The company manufactures a wide range of chemicals, plastics and other materials and SABIC is among the top 3 world’s market leaders in the production of MTBE, Glycols, Methanol, Polycarbonate, Polyethylene and Polypropylene.
  • SABIC is a global leading fertilizer producer leading the exportation market of Granular Urea.

Diversified global footprint:

  • SABIC has presence in all the key demand centres and has close proximity to future growth markets. Globally, SABIC is focusing on enhancing access to value-add growth markets and access to competitive feedstock
  • 85% of SABIC’s revenues are generated outside of Middle East

Strategic Alliances:

  • SABIC has pioneered a culture of partnerships in its manufacturing and R&D activities with both best-in-class global companies as well as global and Saudi universities
  • Saudi Arabia’s economic transformation under Vision 2030 will bring significant growth opportunities for SABIC

Operational Excellence:

  • Global benchmark of assets with drive to be first quartile producer
  • Feedstock diversification, value chain integration and accessing competitive feedstocks globally

Robust Financials:

  • On a standalone basis, SABIC is the highest rated global chemical company in the world
  • SABIC has been demonstrating a robust profitability despite fluctuations in the commodity prices, leading EBITDA margin in its industry and growing its revenues faster than global GDP

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