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Home > Industries > Agriculture


SABIC is a leading global fertilizer producer. Over the years, we have built our capabilities to serve high quality fertilizer products to our customers, helping them reduce their environment footprint. We produce a wide-ranging portfolio of fertilizers such as urea, ammonia, phosphate and specialized products. Securing the food supplies for a hungry world is a major challenge, and through our fertilizer production, we are seeking to play a vital role in making sure good, nutritious food reaches the world’s tables. We’ll be ready to help meet these demands, and the SABIC brand will remain a symbol of quality, now and in the future.

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Our agri-nutrient solutions help farmers produce higher crop yields, and play a vital role in providing secure, reliable food sources. They help plants grow and make the soil healthier, while reducing the risk of water run-off, overgrazing and soil erosion.  Each variety of fertilizer we produce is specifically designed to get the best out of certain plants, helping produce more nourishing crops in different types of soils.


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