As part of our commitment to our employees, communities and environment, we will adhere to environmental compliance obligations, striving to go beyond compliance. As a Responsible Care ® Company, we seek to achieve long-term environmental sustainability, implement world-class processes and best practices and are committed to make our operations as safe, stable and compliant as possible to protect our environment, communities and conserve natural resources.
We realize that sustainable waste management and a transition toward circular economy are vital to mitigating our environmental footprint. Toward this direction, we apply rigorous waste management principles, including effective and compliant waste identification, segregation, packaging, labelling, storage and transportation. Moreover, our waste minimization programs are focused on meeting applicable regulatory requirements and continually exploring options to eliminate, reduce, lower toxicity, reuse/recycle and recover waste. We regularly visit the external waste management facilities to ensure that waste is properly managed.

Water conservation is a key aspect of our sustainability goals. We constantly explore technologies to conserve natural resources, and ensure minimal environmental impact from water use. We maintain an inventory of wastewater sources and their characteristics, with complete drawings of the sewer systems, potable/body contact water, process water, and on-site wastewater treatment. Representative samples for process quality and compliance are obtained from reliable sampling, monitoring, record-keeping, and reporting processes. We have also established processes to periodically identify potentials for optimizing water usage, including maximizing its reuse. We support the sustainable-water initiatives such as (WASH) & (OCS) – all of which are embedded in our Operation Management System (OMS).
Most of our chemical production facilities around the world have national government-specified limits for air emissions. Compliance with these limits requires specific expertise, infrastructure and focus on complex regulations. Therefore, we ensure the use of best available technique (BAT) in the design phase of any new project. All our sites have processes in place to identify, monitor, report, and document all air emission point sources. As we seek to further reduce our carbon footprint, we are continuously looking for improvements and new technologies through our global technology and innovation centers and our external partners.