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Home > Sustainability > Governance & Reporting


The responsibility for Sustainability at SABIC rests with the Sustainability Council, which is chaired by the CEO and includes executives from our strategic business units (SBUs) and corporate functions. 

Together, the members of the council ensure that sustainability is integrated throughout our business, and that we take a consistent, high-level approach to sustainability in all regions, businesses, and functions. 

The Sustainability Council is responsible for setting our sustainability vision, climate change strategy, priorities, and goals and is accountable for performance against sustainability metrics. 

The Sustainability Steering Committee and the Corporate Sustainability Department are responsible for developing recommendations for the council, executing its decisions, and forming cross-functional teams to collaborate on solutions to help achieve our sustainability Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). As with the Sustainability Council, the steering committee includes executives from throughout SABIC, led by the General Manager of the Corporate Sustainability Department.

The Sustainability Council and steering committee meet twice a year to review SABIC’s sustainability strategy, discuss progress against KPIs, and review priority sustainability project milestones. The Vice-Chairman and CEO schedules reports on various aspects of sustainability to the SABIC Board of Directors at his discretion. 

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