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The Role of the Petrochemical Sector in Supporting High Skill Job Creation and Driving

At SABIC, human capital is our most valued asset. Our investments in our teams and talents continually position us as a top employer in our key markets and will allow us to maintain our competitive advantage for years to come. 

As global petrochemical companies adapt to the megatrends that are shaping our world in exciting new ways, our industry must continue to foster its growth through talent. Our unique approach to Human Resources (HR) encourages continuous learning, open dialogue, and career development, while rewarding great performance. We know that having the right processes in place with regard to human capital development is vital as we continue our journey to become the preferred world leader in chemicals. To support our vision, we have launched several programs that prepare young Saudis for the emerging labour market while driving high level job creation in the industry. These programs have been designed to help our people thrive, while allowing us to contribute effectively towards the realization of the Saudi Vision 2030.

In parallel, we have also been actively supporting the growth and development of SMEs by leveraging our core strengths in technology and intellectual property, while helping to unlock the skills, materials and access to financial support that these businesses need. From virtual boot camps aimed at young Saudis who are just embarking on their careers, to practical support for SMEs and local entrepreneurs that helps turn their ambitions into reality - at SABIC, we are using our strengths to help deliver a bright future for the Kingdom:


To be a leader in the petrochemicals industry, innovation is crucial to success. In 2023, 567 students from across Saudi Arabia participated in the SABIC Summer Innovation Program held in Riyadh, Jubail, Yanbu and Abha in partnership with Takaful Foundation. The three-week program focused on concepts and practices in sustainability. With the aim of increasing women’s participation and advancement in Saudi Arabia’s labor market, our ExSABIC program provides on-the-job training at SABIC sites and affiliates in Saudi Arabia for women working in several national companies. The six-month training covers areas such as human resources, finance, information technology, technology and innovation, procurement, supply chain and local content.


We launched NUSANED™ in 2018 to serve as SABIC’s integrated engine for achieving its localization agenda, while supporting the nationalization of jobs as well as the growth of SMEs and local industry. From its inception, until 2023, NUSANED™ has had an estimated GDP impact of SAR 16.7 billion, helping create 30,756 for Saudi nationals. It achieves its goals through four key pillars, one of which is Muahal, the workforce development arm of NUSANED™. Muahal focuses on creating new jobs, while localizing current ones and enhancing local employers’ capabilities. Through programs like NUSANED™, we are not only leading the way in the transformation of the Kingdom’s workforce – but also increasing local procurement in our industry and boosting national GDP.

Saudi HR Think Tank

Our people are the reason for our success and, knowing this, we are committed to promoting a culture of best practice in Saudi Arabia, in the petrochemicals industry and in our own operations. That’s why we launched the Saudi HR Think Tank (SHRTT) in 2018 in partnership with Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.[ (Ministry of Civil Service at that time) to support capacity building in the Kingdom, and the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030. SHRTT is a platform for connection, knowledge sharing, and collaboration, and aims to grow its membership and create further tangible impact. It does so by bringing together senior HR leaders from around the world and combining rigorous research with examples of global best practice in HR. Hands-on workshops are also supporting development and bringing a practical element into the equation.

These programs provide a snapshot of our commitment to our workforce and affiliates. As the world moves beyond the pandemic, we will focus on leveraging our resources in support of the drive for a strong, growing and sustainable national economy – one that can provide jobs for Saudis, and meet their needs for the future. In the end, it is not only important to ensure they can compete in an evolving job market, but to solidify their place as an essential part of it.

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