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Driving Localized Development

Through our flagship local content initiative, NUSANED, launched in 2018, SABIC has been bringing together the public and private sectors in an effort to help SMEs get started and grow. NUSANED™ provides opportunities for investors, especially young people and entrepreneurs, who want to develop their businesses in innovative and leading industrial sectors. It further aims to raise the level of localization of industrial technologies, enabling the creation of new jobs and increasing the volume of Saudi exports.

Through NUSANED™, SABIC drives investments and opportunities and creates local demand through procurement spends, product conversion to develop downstream industries, and the commercialization of SABIC patents/technologies/ applications. In turn, this creates more local outlets for SABIC’s raw materials and for sourcing from local suppliers to achieve the localization mandates of our procurement activities. In addition, SABIC’s global partnerships and presence attracts international investments and expertise to Saudi Arabia, enhancing the capabilities of local industries to grow and compete.

Through the Strategic Alliance Program, SABIC engages global OEMs to help local content growth by setting up manufacturing capabilities in Saudi Arabia, attracting investment, hiring local talent, and buying from the local market. In addition, we collaborate with industry-leading technology licensers to identify, promote, and attract local investment opportunities. We also create opportunities for our global partners to collaborate with local projects through our Home of Innovation™.

SABIC takes pride in supporting capable and competitive local manufacturers and stimulating national employment. The benefits of local content initiatives like NUSANED™ are apparent: establishing a sustainable and diverse economy underpinned by a skilled, capable, local workforce, which in turn will drive domestic value creation, improve global competitiveness, and build toward Saudi Arabia’s future prosperity.


Nusaned Investment is a wholly-owned SABIC subsidiary headquartered in Riyadh. It was launched in November 2018 with the aim of investing in and supporting the development of Saudi industrial projects and SMEs, which will play a key role in realizing Saudi Vision 2030. It operates as an autonomous investment company with an independent Board of Directors.

Nusaned Investment aims to support SMEs through equity investments with an influential minority share to drive active value creation; to bridge financing gaps. Nusaned

Investment targets SMEs with advanced business models and proven technologies within SABIC’s value chain and, more generally, the national downstream industry, with a focus on the Saudi National Industrial Strategy (NIS).

Since its inception, over 200 SMEs have been assessed and enabled across the investment process. This approach allows for the generation of sustainable returns. The SME financing market in Saudi Arabia is a promising one, and there is great potential for growth in this area to support the sector while building SABIC’s supplier and customer base in the process.

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