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SABIC is a global petrochemicals leader with a strong commitment and presence in the Asia Pacific region for more than 30 years. 

Recognizing the region’s unique importance, our Asia business is structured into two hubs, Greater China and Rest of Asia, to provide dedicated focus, drive growth, innovation and agility in helping customers realize their business ambitions. 

Our Rest of Asia business, which span South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Korea, includes some of the world’s largest economic blocks, a rapidly growing population and sizeable GDP growth. The region is expected to continue to fuel the growth of the petrochemicals industry with its mix of developed and developing economies. 


Correspondingly, SABIC has continuously invested to grow alongside the region to serve the needs of our customers across 18 countries. From our manufacturing sites in Thailand, Japan, India, Korea, and Singapore, to transhipment hubs in Singapore and Malaysia that manage nearly 75 percent of our regional volumes, as well as diverse talent pool of over 1,200 employees, SABIC has continued to strengthen our presence in the region. 

These strategic investments are underpinned by efforts to create value and growth for our customers in the Asia Pacific economies. These include providing customers with a balanced portfolio across a spectrum of petrochemicals, agri- nutrients and specialties products. 

Collaboration and agility underpin SABIC’s business, and the company supports the realization of customers’ strategic growth and sustainability ambitions. We support our customers by identifying and developing opportunities in key end markets such as construction, medical devices, packaging, agricultural, automotive, electrical and electronics, transportation and clean energy. 

In addition, our Application Centers in Japan and Korea, help us tailor our innovations to specific customer needs and deliver speedy solutions. In India, SABIC Technology Center (STC) Bengaluru is a $100M facility that leads cutting-edge research into new technologies for chemicals, material development, certification, and environmental studies. 

Our upcoming Singapore plant producing ULTEM™, a high-temperature, high-performance engineering thermoplastics, is another example of SABIC’s strategic commitment to the region. Once operational, the plant is expected to increase global production by 50 per cent.  


SABIC’s reputation for quality, trust and reliability among our customers is integral to the continued success of our numerous long-term relationships in the Rest of Asia. These collaborations have supported the growth of our petrochemicals business throughout the region.

Through continued collaboration with customers, SABIC is innovating to deliver a diverse range of material solutions to the region. 

Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, SABIC has also been able to provide raw materials that contribute towards the production of urgently needed COVID-19 test kits, ventilators and safety goggles amongst other medical essentials required on the frontlines both in the region, as well as globally. 

For instance, in Vietnam our innovative packaging solutions help support local communities impacted by droughts. We collaborated with a customer to develop a multi-layered freshwater bag that would be able to store freshwater for farming and hygiene purposes. Large storage bags can hold up to 30,000L of freshwater each, which can help provide Vietnamese villagers with access to fresh water during periods of uncertainty.

In Japan, our Moka Plant celebrated its 50th year anniversary in 2021, a testament to SABIC’s enduring presence and innovation driven out of Japan for the region. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Moka plant quickly pivoted its operations to meet a sudden surge in customer demand for SABIC’s flame retardant resins, which is essential to produce urgently needed bedside monitors for Intensive Care Units (ICUs). 

In the region, STC-Bengaluru has successfully collaborated with both research institutions and customers to develop controlled release fertilizers (environmentally friendly fertilizers that allow nutrients to be absorbed by crops before they are washed away) and cost-efficient tuberculosis diagnostic tests providers to better serve rural communities. 


Sustainability is a core business driver for SABIC, and we recognize that Asia Pacific is home to many of the world’s fastest developing nations. With rapid progress and development, there has been a corresponding increase in demand for scarce resources such as water, food, and energy. To ensure that short-term growth goes hand in hand with long-term benefits to the environment, sustainable and inclusive growth underpin our business. 

SABIC’s 2025 strategy actively supports our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and we are working toward the advancement of an efficient and environmentally friendly supply chain. 

Through the transformation of our logistics network, our business is dedicated to reducing CO2 emissions every year. Our innovative sustainable solutions support the advancement of a circular economy, advanced flexible packaging, applications for electric and electronics, and the solar industry. 

At our manufacturing sites in India and Thailand, renewable power is generated from solar rooftop panels, which is then utilized for manufacturing operations in the region. In addition, rainwater is harvested and wastewater is recycled for use in our plant operations, in both Vadodara, India and Benoi, Singapore. 


The Rest of Asia is one of the most populous regions accounting for more than 30 per cent of the world’s population. As a strategic region, we are uniquely positioned to collaborate with organisations both upstream and downstream to drive innovative solutions that address pressing issues, progress our sustainable business practices, and impact sustainability amongst our industry, as well as the wider communities we live and work in.  

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