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3rd SABIC Leadership Program for Government Officials Begins


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The third SABIC Leadership Program, a national training initiative for government leaders, was launched at SABIC Academy on April 16 by Yousef Al-Benyan, SABIC Vice-Chairman and CEO, in the presence of Abdulaziz Al-Oudan, Executive Vice President, Corporate Human Resources.

At the opening of the five-day program, Al-Benyan welcomed the participants and talked about SABIC’s global journey and advanced learning and training at the academy. He said both public- and private-sector leaders need modern management techniques.

The CEO addressed the importance of developing human resources – a key principle in SABIC’s strategy, and highlighted SABIC's commitment to developing its people's skills and qualifications to meet future challenges. He said SABIC’s programs, such as the MBA for Executives, are unique in the Middle East.

“Through organizing this program and others like it, we aim to achieve the objectives of our 2025 strategy, which contributes to Saudi Vision 2030,” he said.

SABIC Leadership Program, the first of its kind in the company, presents SABIC’s experience in leading integrated work-teams. It includes discussions, examples of leaders at work, and advice on how to make them. The program includes exercises that bring modern leadership concepts closer to the minds of trainees.

Dr. Salah Al-Eissa, Director, Functional Learning, SABIC, emphasized the role of SABIC Academy in achieving wide-scope training and learning through customized programs targeted at government, reflecting mutual benefit.

The fourth edition of the program, lasting one week, will launch next month during which the SABIC Academy will host more government leaders.

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