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SABIC Signs Contract to Supply 305,000 Tons of Urea to Bangladesh


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SABIC signed a contract with Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation in Riyadh on March 5 to supply 305,000 metric tons of urea.

Abdulnasser Al-Babtain GM, Nitrogen, Agri-Nutrients, and Muhammad Iqbal, President, Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation, signed the contract in the presence of Anas Kentab, EVP, Agri-Nutrients, and Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan, Senior Secretary, Bangladesh Ministry of Industries.

The agreement comes as a continuation of an earlier contract, extending from March, 2017 to February, 2018.

The Bangladesh delegation praised the long-standing relations with SABIC, and looked forward to strengthening cooperation over the coming years. They praised the quality of SABIC products and after-sales service that makes the company and its products the first choice for consumers.

The delegation spent three days in the Kingdom during which they held meetings with several Agri-Nutrients departments to discuss the various aspects of research and strategic cooperation.

They also visited SAFCO and Al-Bayroni in Jubail.

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