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Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) announces the results of Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting)


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Item Details
Type of meeting of the General Assembly Ordinary
Number of Invitation to the General Assembly First Meeting
Announcement Title Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) announces the results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting)
Introduction Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) announces the results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting)
Place and city of the General Assembly The Assembly meeting was held remotely through modern technology
Date of the General Assembly Sunday evening, 10/04/2022 Corresponding to 09/09/1443H
Time of the General Assembly 9:30 PM
Percentage of Attending Shareholders 82.23%
Names of the Board of Directors' Members Present at the General Assembly's Meeting and Names of the Absentees

The following Board members attended the meeting: 

  1. Eng. Khalid Hashim Al-Dabbagh (Chairman) 
  2. Mr. Yousef Abdullah Al Benyan (Vice Chairman and CEO). 
  3. H.E. Mr. Mohammed Talal Al-Nahas. 
  4. Eng. Ziad Thamer Almurshed. 
  5. Mr. Olivier Thorel. 
  6. Mr. Calum MacLean. 
  7. Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Al-Issa. 
  8. H.E. Dr. Khaled Hamza Nahas. 
  9. Mr. Nader Ibrahim Al-Wehibi.
Names of the Chairmen of the Committees Present at the General Assembly's Meeting or Members of such Committees Attending on Their Behalf

The following Committees’ Chairmen attended the meeting: 

  1. Eng. Khalid Hashim Al-Dabbagh (Chairman of Investment Committee) 
  2. Mr. Abdulaziz Habdan Al-Habdan (Chairman of Audit Committee). 
  3. H.E. Dr. Khaled Hamza Nahas (Chairman of Remuneration and Nomination Committee). 
  4. Mr. Calum MacLean (Chairman of Risk and Sustainability Committee).
Voting Results on the Agenda attached
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