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SABIC Underlines Market Leadership, Highlights Steel Products at Middle East Iron & Steel Conference


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SABIC, which supplies metals products through its fully-owned manufacturing affiliate Hadeed, emphasized its leadership position in the Middle East steel market and highlighted its new products and solutions at the Middle East Iron and Steel Conference in Dubai from December 6 to 8. 

The conference was attended by Omar Al-Amoudi, Chairman, Hadeed; Salah Al-Ansari, President, Hadeed; and Dr. Marwan Al-Mojil. General Manager, Commercial, Hadeed.

Speaking at a panel discussion, Al-Mojil reiterated Hadeed’s commitment to enabling Saudi Vision 2030 objectives to reduce Saudi Arabia’s dependence on oil and build a diversified economy for a sustainable future. He also highlighted the company’s key role in supporting the construction boom in the Kingdom. 

Hadeed’s products displayed at a premium booth proved that SABIC was well-prepared to compete in the world market through its global networks, industry-leading performance, innovation, and creativity.

SABIC was the platinum sponsor of the conference, the largest annual meeting of the iron and steel industry in the Middle East. The conference provides a platform to interact with key players in the global steel market, monitor updates and trends, and leverage business opportunities.

SABIC’s participation in the conference and exhibition reinforced its presence in the local, regional, and global markets. It also helped build long-term valuable relationships with all stakeholders.

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