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SABIC to debut at MD&M West 2020 new copolymer family offering excellent chemical resistance to highly aggressive healthcare disinfectants


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SABIC will introduce at MD&M West 2020, on Feb. 11-13 in Anaheim, Calif., a new family of polycarbonate (PC) copolymer resins featuring the exceptional chemical resistance needed to enhance the durability and resilience of medical devices and equipment housings. The company’s proprietary copolymer technology can help prevent premature part failure from environmental stress cracking (ESC) due to increasingly aggressive disinfectants, such as alcohols, peroxides and quaternary ammonium compounds, used to prevent hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). The new portfolio includes amorphous and semi-crystalline materials that can serve as potential drop-in solutions in existing production tooling.

Also, at MD&M West, SABIC experts will present on challenges and material solutions to help mitigate healthcare disinfectant exposure. Specifically, on Tuesday, Feb. 11, from 3:30-4:15 p.m. PST in the Tech Theater, Manish Nandi, SABIC business development manager, Specialties, Americas, and Nithin Raikar, SABIC senior business manager, Specialties, will give a talk entitled, “Keeping Medical Equipment Clean and Durable: PC Copolymer Technology Innovations that Improve Chemical Resistance against Hospital Disinfectants”.

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