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Home > Investors > Corporate Governance


Long-term thinking guides everything we do to create value for our stakeholders. Strong corporate governance, informed by active engagement with shareholders encourages accountability and transparency and promotes good decision-making to support our business. With our commitments to Integrity and ESG, SABIC works to conduct business in ways that are principled, transparent, and accountable to key stakeholders.


Our values serve as the foundation of our organization and culture. They govern our behavior and drive our commitment to act with the highest ethical standards. We have integrated them into the fabric of our company to be a reference point for our business practice and to ensure successful implementation of our strategy.

At SABIC, we believe that acting with integrity and incorporating compliance into our daily business is the key to lasting achievement. Together, SABIC employees build a world-class integrity culture by internalizing the policies in the Code of Ethics, receiving the support and encouragement needed to speak up when they observe integrity concerns, and committing daily to sustainability and ESG principles. This ethical mindset not only elevates our work environment but also fosters trust with our business partners, setting us all on the path to success.


Today, more investors realize the interrelationship between ESG issues, fiduciary duties, and maximizing profit. The growing importance of ESG issues is recognized because an increasing part of the financial community, who consider an in-depth analysis of ESG risks and opportunities, is a fundamental element for assessing its value. SABIC has been making necessary ESG disclosures through the Annual and Sustainability Report, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Program), and EcoVadis.

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