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...Industries > Automotive > Automotive Polymers > Stories > Possibilities in Rear Quarter Window Design with LEXAN™ Resin

Possibilities in Rear Quarter Window Design with LEXAN™ Resin


This sketch of a rear quarter window shows an expressive 3D curvature that smoothly wraps around the D-pillar, into the sunroof, and down the back of the vehicle. 

This concept also combines the window with the taillights. This unique design is not achievable with conventional glass solutions. 

What can bring it to life is LEXAN™ polycarbonate resin from our thermoplastic portfolio. The design freedom possible with this material can allow for bolder styling, increased component consolidation and integration of functions, improved aerodynamics, potential cost savings, and weight reduction.

This concept is one of a larger number that we have developed to show the automotive industry what is possible with LEXAN resin for these window applications. 

See the press release Learn more about solutions for Windows Talk with us about rear quarter window solutions

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