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...Industries > Automotive > Automotive Polymers > Stories > Lightweight Truck Toolbox with STAMAX™ Hybrid Solution

Lightweight Truck Toolbox with STAMAX™ Hybrid Solution


We worked with Dongfeng Motor, one of the largest truck manufacturers in China, on this truck-mounted toolbox – a part that is 30% lighter compared to a similar design in steel. 

Additional advantages include lower carbon emissions and the potential for cost savings with production efficiencies. 

The part is made with a combination of STAMAX™ resin, our long glass fiber polypropylene, and continuous glass fiber composite laminate inserts via a single overmolding process.

In addition to truck toolboxes, automotive applications for this hybrid solution with STAMAX resin can potentially include tailgates, seating, front-end modules and battery housings for electric vehicles.

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