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...Industries > Automotive > Automotive Polymers > Stories > Better Batteries with Cuboidal Cells?

Better Batteries with Cuboidal Cells?


Here is a thought provoker for all those working on electric vehicle battery pack and cell design. 

Today, the industry builds a typical pack around cylindrical, prismatic or pouch cells. The cells in themselves have very high energy densities. However, they also have some downsides: complex connections, cooling challenges, and significant energy density losses from cell to pack.

Could a new format address those issues? Our team has developed a patented design solution involving cuboidal cells, inserted into a plastic-intensive structural backbone. 

Such an approach can potentially increase battery pack energy density by 20% or more, with one-tenth the number of cells (compared to cylindrical) and simpler connections and cooling.

Additional benefits can include low internal cell resistance, a more uniform temperature and voltage distribution, safe discharge upon abuse, built-in crash protection with good thermal dissipation, an effective barrier against cell-to-cell propagation, and easy disassembly and recycling.

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