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Home > Industries > Automotive > Automotive Glazing


Combining lightweight with style and function

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are under pressure to meet new fuel economy and emission requirements: reducing weight has become imperative. The lighter the vehicle, the less fuel and energy required.

One still-emerging but ready-to-apply solution for weight loss is the use of LEXAN™ resin, a polycarbonate material, in vehicle windows. With half the density of conventional glass, solutions using LEXAN resin can reduce window weight by up to 50 percent, depending on the size and complexity of the part. 

Value beyond weight savings

While weight is important, we know it is not everything, especially when it comes to glazing. LEXAN™ resin and other SABIC glazing-related technologies can deliver.

Enhanced style and improved aesthetics: The formability of LEXAN resin allows glazing designers to explore complex new shapes that go beyond the limitations of glass. New curvatures, 3-D styling, and color capabilities are possible, allowing OEMs to improve the aesthetics and differentiation of their vehicles.

Part-integration possibilities: Polycarbonate enables the integration of many components into glazing applications, including turn indicators, opening mechanisms for windows, roof pillars, aerodynamic spoilers, and rear lamps, with potential benefits for manufacturing, weight loss, and cost reduction.

Thermal efficiency: The superior thermal properties of LEXAN resin over conventional glass can help insulate vehicle cabins, resulting in significantly lower heating, ventilation and air-conditioning loads—and improved fuel efficiency. For electric and hybrid vehicles, this can mean less drain on batteries, extending driving range.

We have you covered

For protection against abrasion, scratching, and ultraviolet (UV) degradation, SABIC offers wet-coat and plasma-coat support for glazing systems with LEXAN resin. Wet-coat solutions protect against sunlight UV exposure, scratch, and abrasion.

Plasma-coat technology is a glass-like coating applied over the wet coat, delivering resistance to weathering and abrasion. Known as EXATEC™ E900, this plasma coating system is capable of less than 2 percent taber delta-haze abrasion performance, long-term wiper and surface abrasion durability, and over 10 year weatherability.

The choice of the appropriate coating system depends on the application.


SABIC holds distinct intellectual property and expertise in use of the EXATEC 900 glazing system. We offer manufacturers the opportunity to license this technology, in addition to consultation services to support implementation.


SABIC can work with you from concept to production. We combine extensive application design and molding experience in glazing with LEXAN resin with predictive engineering analysis to optimize the molding and coating process and end-use performance.


  • Weight reduction
  • Scratch and abrasion resistance
  • Weathering Global regulatory requirements, including ECE R43, FMVSS 205 and JIS R 3212 (driver visibility)
  • Optical quality
  • Part integration


Rear quarter windows and roofs have potential, with several applications validated on production vehicles. Today, we work with OEMs on new opportunities like the backlite, which can take full advantage of the benefits of PC glazing.

  • Backlites (rear windshields)
  • Fixed side, front, and rear quarter windows
  • Panoramic roofs, roof modules
  • Wind deflectors


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