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SABIC Careers Germany

Welcome to the careers page of SABIC in Germany.

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This page will provide useful information for people interested in career opportunities with SABIC in Germany.

People Who Can

We’ve always believed that it takes special people to make a difference. They need ingenuity, brilliance and the freedom to turn their ideas into reality. At SABIC, this is our culture. We find open-minded, gifted and questioning people. Then we create the conditions for their talent to flourish: fulfilling work environments, state-of-the-art technology and the empowerment they need. So when you work for SABIC, you’re the person who can find new solutions and possibilities that change the world for the better.

Key Locations


Gelsenkirchen Site
SABIC Polyolefine GmbH
Pawiker Str. 30
45896 Gelsenkirchen

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