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Home > About > EHSS > SABIC UK Cross Country Pipelines


SABIC UK Petrochemicals ltd operate two high pressure major accident hazard pipelines transporting ethylene

WGEP (Wilton to Grangemouth Ethylene Pipeline)

The Wilton to Grangemouth Ethylene Pipeline is a high pressure pipeline transporting ethylene from Wilton Site to Grangemouth, Scotland.

TPEP (Trans-Pennine Ethylene Pipeline)

The Trans-Pennine Ethylene Pipeline is a high pressure pipeline transporting ethylene from Wilton Site to Runcorn.

Dial before you dig


North East: (01642) 834531 
WGEP – Wilton to Carter Bar
TPEP – Wilton to River Ribble

North-west: (01642) 833069
River Ribble to Runcorn Area 




Typical activities requiring pre-notification include the following:

  • Fencing (new or repairs)
  • Ditch/gutter cleaning
  • Excavation activities
  • Subsoiling
  • Mole ploughing
  • Drainage
  • Planting/Removing trees/shrubs
  • Building work
  • Installation of new services
  • New or upgrade of roads/tracks

 Field and Areal Markers

Pipeline DOs and DON’Ts


  • Notify the pipeline office of any work, other than regular agricultural, within 50 metres either side of the pipeline
  • Consult the pipeline office of any proposed excavations, drainage work, ditch clearing, fencing (new or repairs), subsoiling, or tree removal within 50 metres either side of the pipeline.
  • Notify the office of any other third party work being carried out near the pipeline.
  • Inform all personnel working in close proximity of the pipeline of the precautions required.
  • Notify the office when planting trees and shrubs
  • Contact us for any work that includes piling and boring
  • Consult with the Pipeline Team regarding ground cover and storage of materials which should not be stacked in the pipeline easement
  • Notify the pipeline office regarding fires which should not be built or ignited within the pipeline easement
  • Arrange for a free site meeting in advance of any work


  • Assume you know where the pipeline is.
  • Rely on field/aerial markers for exact pipeline location.


We carry out regular maintenance on our pipelines in order to preserve their safe condition. This includes aerial surveillance and walking the route annually to ensure that the pipeline remains free from unauthorised activity.

We carry out regular maintenance on our pipelines in order to preserve their safe condition. This includes aerial surveillance and walking the route annually to ensure that the pipeline remains free from unauthorised activity.

The pipeline’s protection includes cathodic protection and regular inspection. It is, however, third party and landowner interference which has proven to be the major cause of accidental damage to underground pipelines.

When planning any new works in close proximity to the pipelines, we need as much advance notice as possible, so that we can agree safe working conditions together.

SABIC uses the Linesearch Before You Dig facility and is a member of:


SABIC is a member of UKOPA.  UKOPA exists to provide the recognized and authoritative view of UK Pipeline Operators on strategic issues relating to safety management, operations and integrity management of pipelines.  It seeks to effectively influence the development and implementation of pipeline related legislation and standards for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders and promote best practice in the pipeline industry.  Read more on UKOPA


SABIC is a member of an organization of high pressure oil and gas operators acting to raise awareness of our networks existence and encourage safe working practices when planning and undertaking work around them.  Read more on Linewatch


A pipeline infringement is defined as any work that occurs within a 100-metre corridor (50 metres either side of the pipeline) without the Pipeline Team being pre-notified.

If you are planning to do work within 50 metres of the pipelines or in the same parcel of land, please contact the pipelines office.

24 Hour Freephone: 0800 318105

North East Ethylene Pipeline Office: 01642 834531

North West Ethylene Pipeline Office: 01642 833069

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