Global CSR Reach (2019)
SABIC has a long established reputation for doing not only what is good for its business, its people and multiple other stakeholders, but also investing in the communities where we operate, creating social, environmental and economic value.
Wherever we operate, we look to develop long-term mutually beneficial partnerships with local communities, with a sustainable approach that delivers lasting value, and innovative programs to meet community needs.
In 2019, SABIC invested in several impactful CSR programs, totaling US$ 15.6 million, which have enhanced our brand and turned our principles into action. We delivered six global initiatives including 185 global programs in 103 cities and 22 countries. These programs engaged 2,531 SABIC volunteers who dedicated 10,874 volunteer hours for over 340,000 beneficiaries worldwide.
Our CSR efforts garnered multiple awards in 2019. SABIC ranked in the top 1 percent of best CSR performers by Ecovadis, and we were the only chemical company to win the Public Welfare Practice Contribution Award from Yicai Group in China, which recognized our long-term practices and outstanding contributions in the field of CSR. In addition, SABIC won the Communities and Reputation Award in the United Kingdom at the 2019 NEPIC Industry Awards having demonstrated an outstanding campaign supporting communities across all aspects of social responsibility.


Countries Reached