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Home > About > ENG. Yousef Abdulrahman Al-Zamel

ENG. Yousef Abdulrahman Al-Zamel

Member of SABIC Board of Directors

Eng. Yousef Abdulrahman Al-Zamel is a member of the SABIC Board of Directors, the Investment Committee, and the Risk & Sustainability Committee.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM).  

Al-Zamel is currently a member of the board of directors of Alinma Investment Company.

He was earlier an Advisor to the Minister of Energy, Industry & Mineral Resources, and was the President of the National Industrial Strategy Project. He started his career at SABIC as a Chemical Engineer in 1976 and rotated across multiple jobs and roles including: Senior Advisor to Vice Chairman & CEO; Executive Vice President, Strategy & Planning; Executive Vice President, Chemicals SBU; Executive Vice President, Fertilizers SBU; Vice President, Marketing; and Manager, Chemicals Marketing. He also held the positions of the General Manager, Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Marketing Company; and Manager, Manufacturing Operations (Ethylene– thermal cracking), Saudi Petrochemical Company (Sadaf). 

Earlier, he worked as a Manufacturing Operations Engineer at Shell Chemicals Company, USA. He was also a board member of Sahara International Petrochemical Company (SIPCHEM) and Al Watania for Industries (WFI). 

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