Mr. Salah Al-Hareky
Executive Vice President for Corporate Finance

Mr. Salah Mohammed Al-Hareky, SABIC Executive Vice President, Corporate Finance.
Previous to his new appointment, Mr. Al-Hareky was the Senior Vice President and Treasurer for Saudi Aramco. Prior to this, he also held the position of Group Controller for Saudi Aramco.
Mr. Al-Hareky has acquired extensive global experience as Managing Director of Saudi Petroleum Overseas Ltd. (SPOL) in the United Kingdom. In addition, he is also currently an active Board Member for the Aramco Trading Company, S-Oil Corporation, Saudi Aramco Development Company (SADCO) and the Wisayah Global Investment Management Company.
Mr. Al-Hareky holds a B.S. degree in Accounting, and an MBA from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. He joined Saudi Aramco in December 1989 where he worked primarily within the Internal Auditing, Investment Management, planning and performance management and Treasury Services functions of Saudi Aramco.