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Home > About > Dr Ernesto Occhiello

Dr Ernesto Occhiello

Executive Vice President, Technology and Innovation

Before his present postion, Ernesto Occhiello was the Executive Vice President, Specialties. He led it to become a standalone operation, with fully contractualized interfaces with SABIC and own P&L, balance sheet and cash flow.

From October 2018 until July 2019, Mr. Occhiello joined Clariant as Chief Executive Officer.

He joined SABIC in 2011 as Executive Vice President, Technology and Innovation. He then carved out the Specialties business from former GE Plastics and gave it a renewed mission and structure to enable top OEMs with unique offerings in the high-end plastics space.

Prior to joining SABIC, he had various roles at Dow Chemical, Enichem and Montedison. Most of his career has been in research and technology development for specialty and performance products. His experience also includes technical service, manufacturing leadership and the integration post-acquisition.

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