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Home > About > ahmed mohammed al-umar

Ahmed Mohammed Al-Umar

Secretary General, Board of Directors

Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Umar is the Secretary General of the SABIC Board of Directors.

Mr. Al-Umar has an Executive MBA from King Fahad University of Petroleum and a Bachelor in Business Administration from King Abdulaziz University.

Starting his career with SABIC in 1987, Mr. Ahmed Alumar currently holds the position of Vice President of Board Affairs & Global Merger & Acquisition. In this role, he is responsible for all SABIC’s global programs and projects of merger and acquisition, and global strategic growth, from initiation to execution. 

In addition to his role at SABIC, Mr. Alumar is the Chairman of the Board of Saudi Methanol Company (Ar-Razi); Vice Chairman of Clariant board in Basel, Switzerland; Vice Chairman of Nusaned Investment Company; a Board Director at Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co (GPIC) in Bahrain; a Board Director at SABIC Fujian in China, and a Board Director of the GCC Board Directors Institute (GCC BDI), he is also a Certified Board Director since 2019. 

Prior to this, Mr. Alumar was the Vice President of Global Merger & Acquisition and Joint Venters Affairs, where he oversees all SABIC’s interest in over 200+ entities including JVs and wholly owned entities globally. He also manages all JV agreements including their renewal, managing partners’ relations, and JVs governance and control framework. He also held the Vice President, Global Oxygenates Business Unit, where he led the strategic direction and management of product & portfolio, commercialization, marketing and sales.

He also served as the Vice President, SABIC Asia Pacific, where he led SABIC’s operations in Asia Pacific for 4 years, and SABIC Board General Secretary (2001-2008).

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