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Home > About > Ahmed Al-Shaikh

Ahmed Al-Shaikh

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, Engineering & Project Management

Ahmed Al-Shaikh served as Executive Vice President of Manufacturing at SABIC since Mid-2015 before he was appointed as the Executive Vice President of SABIC Engineering & Project Management effective May, 2021.

Mr. Al-Shaikh, has more than 25 years’ experience in the global oil and petrochemical industries, beginning his career with Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery (SASREF). 

During his career, Mr. Al-Shaikh has also held the post of President of SABIC affiliates, Yanpet and United. He has worked closely with key JV partners such as ExxonMobil, Sinopec and Shell. Also, He has been serving as a Board Member as well as Chairman of served JV at K.S.A. and out K.S.A.

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