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Home > About > Ahmed Al-Jabr

Ahmed Al-Jabr

Executive Vice President, Manufacturing

Ahmed Al-Jabr has been with SABIC since year 1987 and has held various leadership positions in the company. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering from King Fahad University of Petroleum & Minerals in Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Before his present assignment, Mr. Al-Jabr was the President of SABIC Agri-Nutrients from April 2015 to end of April 2021. He has also held the post of President of SABIC affiliates, Eastern Petrochemical Company (SHARQ), from January 2013 –March 2015. Jubail Fertilizer Company (ALBAYRONI), from November 2009 – December 2012.

Mr. Al-Jabr, has more than (34) years’ experience in different management, manufacturing, and technical functions to facilitate operations, maximize revenue & productivity, and ensure strong future growth.

In SABIC today Mr. Al-Jabr oversees all global manufacturing operations in the Americas, Europe, Asia and MEA - including major industrial sites in Saudi Arabia in the city of Al-Jubail on the Arabian Gulf, as well as in Yanbu on the Red Sea. His vision is to achieve total manufacturing cost leadership, maximize economic value creation though manufacturing excellence and uncompromising safety standards.

To achieve this his function focuses on key pillars of success starting with the development of ‘people’, promoting an inclusive culture, performance via world class SHE and the reliability of all manufacturing assets within the SABIC family.

SABIC’s global presence continues to grow rapidly. Our ambitious plans for expansion are matched by the development of an infrastructure of manufacturing plants worldwide. This enables us to respond efficiently to the needs of our customers in key markets around the world and enable us to power ambitions.

Boards Memberships


Company Brief




GAS Gas National Industrial Gases Co. Chairman April 2019 current
MARAFIQ A joint-stock company, Marafiq working in Jubail & Yanbu Main objective, is to provide essential utility services to industrial, commercial and residential customers in the industrial cities of Jubail and Yanbu. Vice Chairman July 2021 current
ALBA Aluminum Bahrain Aluminum Bahrain Board Member 2016 2020
IBN ALBAYTAR National Chemical Fertilizer Company Member 2002 2009
IBN RUSHD Arabian Industrial Fibers Company Board Member 2004 2009

Professional Experience




SABIC Executive Vice President, Manufacturing May 2021 Current
President of SABIC Agri-Nutrients April 2015 End of April 2021
President SHARQ Jan 2013 End of March 2015
President ALBAYRONI Nov 2009 End of Dec 2012

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