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Safer Chemistry

A SABIC Sustainability pillar to support our products are designed & made in ways that minimize impact on environment and human health

Safer Chemistry is a voluntary initiative driven by Product Stewardship to reduce or avoid the use of Chemicals of Concern (CoC)* beyond current global regulations and market needs. 

It investigates in alternatives for Chemicals of Concern in the product portfolio and along the production line. 

SABIC is striving to implement Safer Chemistry principles during all stages of the product lifecycle. 

Engagement with our suppliers and customers creates opportunities for new raw materials and products with a lower hazard footprint, where viable.


A VOLUNTARY INITIATIVE                                                                                

Safer Chemistry Infographic a voluntary initiative


Chemicals of Concern are prioritized by SABIC using a scoring process covering five key areas:

Safer Chemistry Infographic scoring process


*Chemicals of Concern: Chemicals as per Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) category 1 and 2 substances that may be present in products or processes, will be considered by SABIC’s business as Chemicals of Concern (CoCs). CoCs meeting SABIC’s definition will be considered for substitution, elimination, or reduction.

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