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SABIC wins AICM’S Responsible Care® chairman’s award again in China


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Beijing, China, April 18, 2019 – SABIC, a global leader in diversified chemicals, was today once again awarded the AICM Responsible Care® Chairman's Award at the 2019 AICM Responsible Care® Awards Ceremony in Beijing, to recognize the company’s excellence and efforts in the implementation of Responsible Care, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability.

This is the fourth time in a row that SABIC has won an AICM award, following the honors of Responsible Care® Merit Awards in 2013 and 2015 and Responsible Care® Chairman’s Award in 2017. It highlights the company's outstanding contribution and leadership in promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the chemical industry.

“We are honored and proud to be awarded the AICM’s Responsible Care® Chairman’s Award again, as it is full affirmation of SABIC's long-term and sustained efforts,” said Li Lei, SABIC's Vice President and Regional Head, North Asia during the award ceremony. “Under the inspiration of the award, with SABIC's world-leading technical resources and sustainable development practices, we will continue to advance 'Chemistry That MattersTM’ to provide further support for the chemical industry in achieving further sustainable development.”

Responsible Care is a global initiative within the chemical industry to improve health and environmental performance, enhance safety in operations and products and strengthen communication with stakeholders. For SABIC, Responsible Care is also the company's code of conduct for a sustainable path that promotes SABIC's continued improvement in environmental sustainability, health & safety and security (EHSS). In addition, with China's continuous deepening reform and opening up, SABIC continues to fully support the transformation and upgrading of China's chemical industry to high-quality development by integrating the principles of Responsible Care throughout its operations.

As a global leader with substantial local strategy, SABIC has developed long-term and extensive CSR practices in the areas of industry codes and standards, process safety, environmental protection, talent development and community building. SABIC has actively participated in the improvement of RSQAS (Road Safety Quality Assessment System) and CRSAS (Chemical Road Transport Safety Assessment System), supporting and participating in the revision of three standards for the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA). These revisions pertain to food contact plastic resin/article standards) and newly drafted food contact adhesive standard. SABIC’s efforts in Responsible Care in the field of road safety and food safety have won wide recognition from all walks of life.

Committed to promoting education for sustainable development, SABIC is always actively interacting with the communities in which it operates, thereby enhancing the next generation's perception of Responsible Care. SABIC introduced its signature global CSR project “Lights of Our Future” to China in 2014, which has engaged more than 2,500 Chinese students, while 65 school teachers have devoted more than 1,500 hours to support volunteer activities or participate directly. And more than 370 SABIC employee volunteers have contributed more than 4,800 hours to curriculum and teaching materials development.

SABIC has been actively answering the AICM’s open-to-public calls for years, and has held several Open-to-Public Day in its technology center and plants, actively disseminating the concept of Responsible Care and inclusive growth, and effectively enabling the sustainable development of the chemical industry.

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