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Home > Careers > Benefits that matter


Sustainability is challenging, but also rewarding. Who is responsible for sustainability within our company? Everyone. Every manager, every department, every person who works for us. Our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at the core of our business culture. And not just within SABIC. We also help our customers and our partners to become more sustainable.

We combine sustainability with innovation so that we can help create new ideas and solutions to tackle some of the world’s greatest environmental, social and economic issues. For you, this means challenging, but also rewarding work. SABIC’s sustainable programs include gender, equality, poverty reduction, climate change and life below water. Which issues are most close to your heart?

Sustainability isn’t just about the world around us, it’s also about the world within SABIC. Sustainable business growth by developing talents and encouraging continuous learning. We are also committed to wellness programs for all our employees. Using the latest technology to help people become more aware of their lifestyle. Including nutrition, physical activity and psychological well-being. Good for you and good for us.

We are also a world leader in corporate compliance, using the SABIC Code of Conduct. There is regular live and online training, because when you work at SABIC you also have an important role to play.

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