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Home > About > Our Quality Standards > Certifications SABIC Europe

Certifications Europe


Belgium - Genk

Quality Management: ISO9001, IATF16949

Environmental Management: ISO14001

Operational Clean Sweep Certificate: OCS Certificate

Germany - Gelsenkirchen

Quality Management: ISO9001

Energy Management: ISO50001

Responsible Care, Environmental Management: RC/ISO-14001

Operational Clean Sweep Certificate: OCS Certificate

Italy - Pontirolo Nuovo

Quality Management: ISO9001

Environmental Management: ISO14001

The Netherlands - Bergen op Zoom

Quality Management: ISO9001-1, ISO9001-2

Responsible Care, Environmental Management: RC/ISO-14001 SHPP: RC/ISO-14001

Operational Clean Sweep Certificate: OCS Certificate

The Netherlands - Elsloo

Quality Management: ISO9001

Environmental Management: ISO14001

The Netherlands - Raamsdonksveer

Quality Management: ISO9001

Environmental Management: ISO14001

Operational Clean Sweep Certificate: OCS Certificate

The Netherlands - Geleen

Quality Management: ISO9001, IATF16949

Responsible Care, Environmental Management  RC/ISO-14001

Operational Clean Sweep Certificate: OCS Certificate

The Netherlands - Amsterdam/Sittard

Quality Management: ISO9001, IATF16949

Responsible Care, Environmental Management  RC/ISO-14001

Information Security Management: ISO/IEC 27001

Spain - Cartagena

Quality Management: ISO9001

Responsible Care, Environmental Management: RC/ISO-14001

Operational Clean Sweep Certificate: OCS Certificate

UK - Teesside

Quality Management: ISO9001

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO-14001

Operational Clean Sweep Certificate: OCS Certificate

UK - Thornaby

Quality Management: ISO9001

Environmental Management: ISO14001

Operational Clean Sweep Certificate: OCS Certificate

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