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Home > About > Abdulaziz Al-Oudan

Abdulaziz Al-Oudan


Prior to his current posting Mr. Al-Oudan served as Executive Vice President, Human Recourses, and earlier General Manager, Global Talent Management and General Manager, HR Middle East and Africa.

During his 27-year career with SABIC, Mr. Al-Oudan has held other senior positions including Director, Global Information Technology Center of Excellence, and Director, Global Information Technology Business Partnership. He was instrumental in starting the first Business Process Management department at SABIC, and prior to that was the Corporate IT Strategy & Planning Leader, SAP Financial Controlling Consultant during the FANAR business transformation project, and Finance Team Lead during the BaaN business transformation project.

Mr. Al-Oudan holds a degree in Management Information Systems from King Saud University, Riyadh.

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