Innovation investments supporting global solutions for a sustainable future.

Supporting global solutions for a sustainable future.
Given international concerns about climate change, SABIC is committed to improving its own carbon footprint, investing in innovations that reduce the environmental impacts of our products – for the benefit of SABIC and its customers – as well as supporting global solutions for a sustainable future.
This year, we continued to advance toward our 2025 goals. Our greenhouse-gas emissions intensity, measured in metric tons of CO2 per metric ton of product sales, fell from 1.23 to 1.22. This marks a 0.8 percent reduction in emissions from 2017, and a 10.2 percent reduction from our 2010 baseline.
Among the projects that helped this progress, our Ibn Zahr affiliate cleaned heater coils at its MTBE-2 plant, reducing the site’s emissions by 4,300 metric tons of CO2 each year. Our Petrokemya PVC team conducted a successful upgrade to eliminate undesirable cleaning processes, increasing productivity while reducing emissions by 1,440 tons of CO2 per year. We continue to benefit from our carbon capture and utilization plant at United. The plant’s load will increase to maximum capacity once a new ethylene glycol plant at United is operational in 2021.
Greenhouse Gas Intensity
(MT CO2 eq/MT Product Sales)

SABIC’s Ibn Zahr affiliate cleaned heater coils at its MTBE-2 plant, reducing the site’s emissions by 4,300 metric tons of CO2 each year.