Ethics and compliance
Operating with integrity is something we strive to do every day – not only because it helps to maintain stakeholder trust, but also because it is one of our most important values.

SABIC is a global and diverse organization.
At the core of this approach is the SABIC Code of Ethics: our framework for ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations around the world.
This year, we focused on the cultural aspects of our program by seeking to boost a culture of integrity. Across the company, managers took an online course on compliance leadership, and held team meetings on how members can encourage each other to become “ethical upstanders” – employees who visibly act ethically and help others do the same.
In addition to this global effort, we focused on integrity culture in specific locations. For example, in Saudi Arabia, we held employee ethics and awareness sessions in both English and Arabic to emphasize the importance of an integrity-driven culture and the employees’ role in promoting it.
In Houston, we organized employee-led focus groups to improve our integrity culture and ensure that employees feel that SABIC is a fair, ethical place to work.
In India, local activities focused on creating a more positive integrity culture through a town hall and a leadership message to engage with employees in building an ethical workplace.
Compliance Investigation Data
Saudi Basic Industries Corporation and its wholly owned affiliates
Compliance concerns raised*
*Assured by KPMG
*Assured by KPMG
*Assured by KPMG

Corruption can result in states not fulfilling their obligations to the people – and the degradation of human rights. The two concepts are inherently linked.
SABIC has been a key contributor to the global fight against corruption since 2012 as a founding member of the Business 20 (B20) Anti-Corruption Task Force and through active participation in the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative.
In October of this year, SABIC continued its anti-corruption leadership through participation in an integrity and compliance cross-thematic group at the annual B20 summit in Buenos Aires under the Argentinian presidency of the group of the worlds’ 20 largest economies (G20). The B20 is the official G20 dialogue with the global business community.