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An overview of SABIC sales, income from operations, net income for the year, assets, equity and liabilities and cash flows.

SABIC’s sales revenue in 2020 was SAR 116,949 million, a decrease of SAR 18,447 million or 14%, compared to SAR 135,396 million in 2019, due to sharply lower average sales prices across key products; whereas the overall sales volume increased by 1%.

Sales revenue for Petrochemicals and Specialties amounted to SAR 101,845 million, which represents 87% of total SABIC revenues, decreased by SAR 15,643 million or 13% compared to 2019; while the sales volume increased by 1%. Agri-nutrients sales revenues amounted to SAR 6,119 million in 2020, a decrease by SAR 1,000 million or 14%; whereas sales volume increased by 7%.

Hadeed sales revenues amounted to SAR 8,986 million, a decrease by SAR 1,805 million or 17%, and the sales volume by 5% compared to 2019. 

Sales (Billion)

2020 Sales by geography (%)

*Includes sales made by certain subsidiaries to their foreign shareholders and sales in other countries.

  • 17%


  • 19%


  • 23%

    rest of Asia

  • 23%


  • 9%


  • 9%


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