About This Report
SABIC is a publicly traded, global leader in diversified chemicals with a Global Headquarters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We manufacture on a global scale and have five key geographies with innovation hubs in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Northeast Asia. Ranked among the world’s largest petrochemicals manufacturers, 70 percent of the company’s shares are owned by the Saudi government, with the remaining 30 percent traded on the Saudi stock exchange. Since SABIC began in 1976, we have grown rapidly and globally, with operations today in more than 50 countries and a global workforce of more than 33,000+ talented individuals. Our materials help our customers to build a better future in key end markets – construction, medical devices, packaging, agri-nutrients, electrical and electronics, transportation, and clean energy. Our materials provide the building blocks for building a better future through “Chemistry that Matters TM”.
Reporting period, scope and boundaries
SABIC publishes three main annual reports: the Board of Directors Report and the Annual Report, which target the financial and investor audience, and this Sustainability Report, which targets a wide internal and external audience.
Published on 9th April 2019, this report covers SABIC’s sustainability performance from January 1 to December 31, 2018. It includes all SABIC businesses and operations that are financially consolidated in our 2018 Annual Report, available at: https://www.sabic.com/en/investors/performance-financial-highlights/Annual-Reports.
Additional sustainability content, technical details and definitions are available in the Report Supplement document here.
We believe external assessments improve our sustainability reporting, and for the last seven years we have used KPMG to increase our confidence in certain reported data. The limited assurance engagement includes absolute and intensity operational metrics: energy consumption, greenhouse-gas emissions, freshwater usage, material loss, flaring reduction and CO2 utilization, as well as selected corporate environment, health, safety, and security metrics, and compliance, as noted in the KPMG assurance report and marked by “*” throughout the report. For compliance data, we have applied a more limited scope. Compliance data are reported for the 23,500 employees of SABIC and its wholly owned affiliates, but not for employees of SABIC’s non-wholly owned manufacturing joint ventures (or affiliates) in Saudi Arabia.
Reporting frameworks
To guide the selection of report content and improve report quality, we use the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. The SABIC 2018 Sustainability Report was prepared in accordance with the “Core” option of the new Global Reporting Initiative Standards. A complete GRI Content Index can be found on the SABIC sustainability website. We also continue to be inspired by the International Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework to capture SABIC’s journey toward creating economic, natural, human, and social value in both the long and short term.
This report serves as our official UN Global Compact (UNGC) Communication on Progress. An overview of how we are meeting our UNGC commitments and actions is available on the SABIC sustainability website.