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主页 > 关于我们 > 质量标准 > 中东和非洲认证



Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Quality Management: ISO9001

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - SABIC Agri-Nutrients

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - AL BAYRONI

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - KEMYA

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - PETROKEMYA

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001


Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001


Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - SHARQ

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – UNITED

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - HADEED

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – GAS – J

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – GAS - Y

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - STCK

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - SPADC

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – STC – J

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – STC - R

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – SABTANK – J

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – SABTANK – Y

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - IBN SINA

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - IBN ZAHR

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – SAUDI KAYAN

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – ARRAZI

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia - SAMAC

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – YANPET

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – YANSAB

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

Saudi Arabia – IBN RUSHD

Responsible Care / Environmental Management: RC/ISO14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management: ISO45001

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