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主页 > 关于我们 > EHSS > Safety and Health

Safety and Health

SABIC and its affiliates are committed to operate facilities safely and responsibly, continuously improving programs to promote safety and minimize employee and contractor injuries and illnesses.

SABIC pursues this goal of injury and illness prevention through a robust implementation of a world-class safety and health programs. These programs are designed to ensure that all of our associated facilities have a strong safety culture and clear procedures, underpinned by active, engaged participation by employees and contractors.

As noted above, all SABIC-affiliated chemical manufacturing sites globally are certified to Responsible Care®, which covers health and safety in addition to environment and security. In Saudi Arabia, all SABIC-affiliated manufacturing sites are also OHSAS 18001 certified. Furthermore, SABIC’s SHEMs include all key aspects of safety including process safety, industrial hygiene, management of change, transportation safety, and safe work practices.

The SABIC Life Saving Rules (LSR) program complements our belief that EHSS is a core value.  The goal of these LSR’s is to highlight the hazardous elements of our operations and reinforce the procedures that require absolute focus to avoid serious incident or injury.  The LSR program emphasizes the standards and expectations for all employees and contractors working at SABIC facilities.

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