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主页 > 关于我们 > EHSS > Security and Crisis Management

Security & Crisis Management

At SABIC, we are committed to ensuring that the Security and Crisis Management function is a core competence of our business.

SABIC has adopted a global security management system based upon Responsible Care® principles.  In addition, SABIC has created a global Security Center of Excellence, which is responsible for enterprise-wide security risk management.  A key feature of this risk management system is the continual identification and assessment of security risks, with management and mitigation measures designed to reduce those risks to levels as low as reasonably possible.  Critical security risks include terrorism, sabotage, workplace violence, intellectual property theft and the safety of our travelling employees. SABIC’s security team also recognizes the emerging threats to our cyber and information-management systems.  To this end, SABIC leverages multi-functional expertise to ensure the highest possible security profile for information systems. SABIC’s cyber security posture is constantly evolving as new threats emerge.

We recognize the importance of effectively managing EHSS-related incidents and other potential crises that may occur.  SABIC has a global crisis management system, delivered through management teams at global, regional and site level as needed.  These teams, and our facilities are supported by routine training and testing to ensure preparedness.

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