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GELOY™ Resin

  • 适用等级: 19
  • 获得渠道: Americas, Asia, Europe



Geloy, a high-performance Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate (ASA) from SABIC, offers excellent balance of properties, making it a popular choice for various industries such as automotive, electrical & electronics, and construction.


Some common applications are:

  • Automotive: For exterior automotive parts such as bumpers, grilles, and body panels due to its excellent weatherability, impact resistance, and surface finish.
  • Electrical & Electronics: For housings, connectors, and insulators because of its good electrical properties and dimensional stability.
  • Construction: For window profiles, rainwater systems, and roofing due to its excellent UV resistance, impact resistance, and weatherability.
  • Consumer Goods: For outdoor furniture, bicycle helmets, and toys because of its good balance of impact resistance, UV resistance, and surface finish.
  • Industrial: For industrial parts and components that require high impact resistance and good chemical resistance.

Regulatory Information

The Regulatory Data Sheet (RDS) contains information about product compliance with respect to specific regulations, laws, and directives such as RoHS, REACH-SVHC, POPs and other restricted substances.

A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) contains relevant information that enables safe handling, storage, transportation and use of a grade.

SDS'es are available for download from the "SABIC SDS Portal". User guidance to support your search efforts can be downloaded here.

If an SDS is not available for your particular region and/or language, please follow the directions in the portal or user manual to request a specific SDS.


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FMVSS302 General Statement SABIC Petchem

English, 发布 1/7/2025

GELOY™ Resins Europe

English, 发布 3/20/2020

GELOY™ Resins Product Guide

English, 发布 1/19/2017




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