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主页 > About Us > Locations > China - Shanghai - SABIC Shanghai Plant

China - Shanghai - SABIC Shanghai Plant


地址: No. 58 Aidu Road, Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai 200131, China

电话: +86-021-3865-9011

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China - Guangzhou - SABIC Nansha Plant

NO.1 Plastics Avenue, Western Industrial District, Nansha ETDZ, Guangzhou 511458 China

电话: +86-20-8498-0148 | 传真: +86-20-8498-0202

类型: 办事处

China - Guangzhou - SABIC Nansha Customer Center Office

No. 3 Jinsha Road, Nansha, Guangzhou 511457, China

电话: +86-20-3930-7800

类型: 办事处

China - Guangzhou - SABIC Guangzhou Office

Room 2502, China Mayor Plaza, No. 189 Tianhe Bei Road, Guangzhou 510620, China

电话: +86-20-3848-8383 | 传真: +86-20-3848-8266

类型: 办事处

China - Hangzhou - SABIC Hangzhou Office

Room 1703, West Tower, Fortune Finance Center, No. 37 Jiefang East Road, Hangzhou 310016, China

电话: +86-571-8763-1747 | 传真: +86-571-8763-1748

类型: 办事处

China - Hong Kong - SABIC Hong Kong

Rm 1702, Tower One, The Gateway Harbour City, 25 Canton Road Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

电话: +852-2216-5888 | 传真: +852-2216-5800

类型: 办事处

China - Qingdao - SABIC Innovative Plastics Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

QINGDAO BRANCH, Room 2801, Building B, Qingdao Ocean Plaza, No.61 A, Hongkong (M) Road, Qingdao 266071, China

电话: +86-532-8579-3886 | 传真: +86-532-8579-3889

类型: 办事处

China - Shanghai - SABIC (China) Research & Development Co., Ltd

SHANGHAI TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 2550 Xiupu Road, Pudong, Shanghai 201319, China

电话: +86-21-2037-8188 | 传真: +86-21 2037-8288

类型: 办事处

China - Shanghai - SABIC Technology Center Shanghai

2550 Xiupu Road, Pudong, Shanghai 201319, China

电话: +86-21-2037-8188 | 传真: +86-21 2037-8288

类型: 办事处

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