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主页 > About Us > Locations > Gas National Industrial Gases Co.

Gas National Industrial Gases Co.


地址: PO Box 10110, Al-Jubail 31961 Saudi Arabia

电话: +966 (013) 357 5738

传真: +966 (013) 358 8880

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Ar-Razi Saudi Methanol Co.

PO Box 10065, Al-Jubail 31961 Saudi Arabia

电话: +966 (013) 357 7800 | 传真: +966 (013) 358 5552

类型: Retail

India - Vadodara - SABIC Innovative Plastics India Pvt. Ltd

Plastics Avenue, P.O. Jawahar Nagar, Dist. Vadodara 391320, INDIA

电话: +91 26 5306 8551 | 传真: +91 265 223 2144

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