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Takween Advanced Industries

Talks Chemistry


Founded in 1993, the Jubail-based Takween Advanced Industries specializes in owning, developing and employing the latest polymer technology for the production of high quality product packs, as well as non-woven textiles used for fast-circulated consumer goods.

Takween is committed to provide their customers with leading-edge products that result in the most cost-effective packaging solutions through a comprehensive array of products and services, including design and production with custom manufacturing.

The relationship with SABIC

SABIC and Takween have been collaborating for the past 25 years from the concept to materialization of Takween’s products. SABIC has contributed to Takween’s success through reliable supply of compliant, high quality polymers for food packaging replacing other material such as paper and metal. As their collaboration endures, both companies align on the same goal: becoming the preferred supplier for their respective customers, delivering reliability, innovation and sustainability-related solutions. The cooperation between SABIC and Takween became a renowned value chain alliance in the region and has played an important role in the development of the plastics industry in the Middle East.

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