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主页> Terms and Conditions

Home Of Innovation Disclaimer

I hereby declare that any information submitted to SABIC via Home Of Innovation (the “Information”), including any information related to myself or the business entity I hold myself out to represent (the “Entity”) is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct and I undertake to immediately inform SABIC of any changes to or inaccuracies in the Information as soon as I am aware or should have been aware of them. 

I hereby confirm that I have completed and submitted the Information whether related to myself or the Entity myself without using any third party.

I have the unhindered right, authorization, and permission to disclose the Information to SABIC.  In case any of the Information is found to be false, untrue, or misleading, or I in fact do not have the right, authorization, or permission to disclose the Information, I am aware that I and/or the Entity may be held liable.

I hereby confirm that the Information is being submitted on a non-confidential basis.  That is, I confirm that no part of the Information is confidential and, to the extent any portion of the Information was confidential at any time prior to my disclosure to SABIC, I confirm that, by submitting the Information to SABIC, any such portion of Information is no longer confidential.  As such, I understand that SABIC has no obligation to treat any of the Information as confidential, even if marked as confidential or proprietary, and SABIC has an unrestricted right to use the Information for any purpose whatsoever, including the unrestricted right to use any personal information for purposes related to the NUSANED Program (subject to any applicable data protection regulations).  I also understand that, by submitting the Information to SABIC, SABIC is under no obligation to compensate me for the receipt or use of the Information.

I hereby authorize SABIC to disclose or otherwise make available, at SABIC’s sole discretion, the Information to any third party, including any SABIC affiliate.

I also agree to adhere to any guidelines related to the NUSANED Program and understand that SABIC reserves the right to suspend or terminate my participation, or the Entity’s participation, in the NUSANED Program at any time and at its sole discretion.

I hereby represent and warrant that any commercial exploitation of the Information does not infringe or otherwise misappropriate any intellectual property or proprietary rights of a third party.  I and/or the Entity agree to defend and hold SABIC harmless against any such claim of infringement and/or misappropriation and agree to indemnify SABIC against any expense, loss, or damage arising from such claim.  Further, I hereby represent and warrant that the Information is not being provided in violation of any export control laws and I and/or the Entity agree to indemnify and hold SABIC harmless for any such violation.

I agree that neither SABIC nor its respective officers, employees or agents shall have any liability in relation to the Information, including any liability arising out of negligence or misrepresentation, and in no event shall SABIC be liable to the me or the Entity, or any person or entity claiming through me or the Entity, for any consequential, incidental, punitive, special, or liquidated damages or loss, including, without limitation, lost business or lost profits, of any kind related to the disclosure of the Information, including, without limitation, any such damages that arise from any use of the Information.

I understand that SABIC makes no warranties or representations, and hereby disclaims all warranties and representations, related to my submission of the Information and any performance or activity hereunder, including, without limitation, any warranties or representations, express or implied.  I also understand that nothing in this agreement shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or rights under any intellectual property of SABIC or any SABIC affiliates.

I further understand that SABIC is under no obligation to review the Information and that SABIC has no legal obligations to respond, follow-up, or agree to any future agreement as a result of my submission of the Information.  Nothing shall be construed as a commitment by SABIC to future or exclusive business with me or the Entity.

I understand that SABIC has created this Home Of Innovation portal solely to be used by individuals and Entities seeking the support of SABIC through its Nusaned™ Initiative and not for the use of third parties acting on behalf of such individual and/or Entity. 

I understand that the terms above are governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, without regard to any conflicts-of-law principle that directs the application of another jurisdiction’s laws.  I agree to act in good faith and use all reasonable endeavors to amicably resolve through negotiations any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of or in connection with the terms above.  If I raise a dispute, controversy, or claim against SABIC, I agree to promptly provide notice to SABIC in writing that describes in reasonable detail the nature of the dispute, controversy, or claim.  Any such disputes, controversies, or claims not resolved within thirty (30) days after the receipt of notice by SABIC may be finally resolved by the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Finally, I confirm that I have the unhindered right, authorization, and legal capacity to enter into and legally bind myself and the Entity (as applicable) to the terms above and that the terms above do not conflict with any other agreement or arrangement that I or the Entity have entered into.

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