EHSS is embedded in the SABIC identity and we constantly seek to strengthen EHSS competencies and policies across our organization.
- Customer Centricity
- Innovation and Sustainability Solutions
- Product Stewardship
- Our Manufacturing Assets
- Digitalization
- Cybersecurity
- Environment, Health, Safety, and Security
- Climate Change and Resource Efficiency
- Supply Chain
- Procurement
- Raw Materials
- Our People
- Toward Saudi Vision 2030: Driving Local Content
- Communities
- Ethics, Compliance, and Human Rights
Occuptional health and safety
Fatalities rate (fatalities/200,000 hours worked)
Total recordable incident rate (incidents/200,000 hours worked)
Occupational illness rate (illnesses/200,000 hours worked)
Air emissions
NOx (metric tons)
SOx (metric tons)
Process safety
API 754 PSE Tier 1 (incident)*
Hazardous waste generated (metric tons)
Hazardous waste diverted from disposal (metric tons)
Hazardous waste directed to disposal (metric tons)
Non-hazardous waste generated (metric tons)
Non-hazardous waste diverted from disposal (metric tons)
Non-hazardous waste directed to disposal (metric tons)
SABIC strives to maintain the highest environment, health, safety, and security (EHSS) standards throughout the organization, extending to all entities, divisions, and partners. We consistently seek to strengthen EHSS competencies and policies across our organization through implementing world-class processes and best practices. We have developed many proactive/leading and reactive/lagging KPIs to monitor the performance of all SABIC entities globally, to drive performance improvements, and maintain a strong EHSS culture. This allows us to operate our facilities in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and in a safe and stable manner.
In addition to complying with our internal EHSS management standard, our programs are certified to comply with key external standards:
- Responsible Care® 14001 certification at all chemical manufacturing locations around the world.
- ISO 14001 certification at all chemical manufacturing plants globally plus many of our other locations.
As a certified Responsible Care® company, SABIC is committed to developing world-class EHSS programs and practices. In 2023, SABIC passed through Responsible Care® RC14001:2015 and Environmental Management System (EMS) standard ISO 14001:2015 re-certification for sites across the Middle East and Africa, the Americas, Europe, and Asia. In the Middle East and Africa, we also maintained ISO 45001:2018 for occupational health and safety through a re-certification process.
The total recordable incident rate remained stable from 2022, with the trend improving by 8% for direct hire and leased contractors and increasing by 13% for outsourced contractors.

SABIC conducts detailed incident reviews with clear takeaways from each incident to share with each individual site as well as sharing best practices and lessons learned globally through our EHSS town halls. Some examples of best practices and lessons learned include, but are not limited to, focusing on leadership visibility and impactful engagement, emphasizing operational discipline and a positive workplace culture, and reinforcing front-line operations for proper risk identification.
Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS)
OCS is an initiative that aims to help the plastics manufacturing industry implement good practices for handling pellets, flakes, and powders, as well as maintaining industrial sites. SABIC has been committed to this program since it was launched in the US by the American Chemistry Council (ACC), and has been actively implementing it across all regions for the past few years.
As an active member of OCS via Plastics Europe, the US Plastics OCS, and GPCA task forces, SABIC has participated in the efforts to develop the OCS Europe and GPCA Certification Schemes, as well as a similar US program that will begin in 2024. The European Certification Scheme is the foundation of the European Union proposals to prevent unintentional losses of plastic pellets. In addition, another European task force is developing a tool to estimate pellet loss.
During 2023, we performed numerous internal OCS assessments and awareness sessions, and we are conducting dedicated leadership inspections on OCS to enhance the sense of felt leadership. We have also created an OCS video that will be used as the basic awareness tool for employees and contractors.
Read more about EHSS at SABIC.
Disclaimer: This abridged interactive version of the SABIC Integrated Annual Report 2023 is based on the original PDF report published on this website. In case of any discrepancy, the original PDF report will prevail.