Material Loss
SABIC leads in reducing waste and closing the loop on processes to create products.
This year, our material loss intensity improved 41.9 percent from the 2010 baseline. Our absolute material loss remained at 3.3 million tons this year.
Among the key projects to reduce material loss is an innovative process at our Ar-Razi affiliate where it uses methanol to fuel the facility’s boilers. The repurposed 500 tons of waste material.
Our Saudi Kayan affiliate optimized consumption of potassium hydroxide, saving 100 tons of the substance per year.
Our Petrokemya affiliate lowered material loss by 42,000 tons by reduced flaring.
This year, we furthered our material loss commitments by introducing two new sub-targets: reducing our emissions from flaring by 65 percent compared to 2010 levels, and reducing our hazardous and non-hazardous waste to below 2010 levels, both by 2025.
Our Ibn Rushd affiliate replaced flare tips, saving over 6 tons per hour of flare.