Our Approach and Performance
Since its inception in 1976, SABIC has evolved into a global leader in the chemicals industry, operating in around 50 countries and serving diverse stakeholders. To satisfy their expectations and to ensure the future of SABIC, we have aligned our strategy with Saudi Vision 2030, expanding rapidly with new collaborations that combine business growth with cooperation and sustainability as integral components to create lasting value.
The actions we take today help to bring our vision for tomorrow alive. In close alignment with our stakeholders, we have developed insights that connect our CSR initiatives with our 2025 strategy. In 2022, SABIC accelerated its investments into CSR programs that are expected to play a crucial role in improving the lives of millions. We have assessed global megatrends, including urbanization and consumerism trends, climate-change impact, and economic and technological advances that open the doors to opportunities as well as internal and external collaboration. As the industry changes, SABIC continues to adapt, addressing new priorities with an effective and sustainable approach.
In a post-COVID-19 world, we have recognized the importance of maintaining a committed workforce especially in challenging circumstances. This year, SABIC’s Human Resources (HR) increased its commitment to cultivate a work culture that attracts exceptional talent, recognizes and rewards performance, and provides attractive career opportunities that align with our 2025 objectives. In 2022, we offered over 51,000 virtual courses and joint social-learning groups to foster lifelong learning that nurtures employee development and creates a more competitive talent pool. We increased e-learning hours to almost 60% while our in-person core leadership offerings, in partnership with top business schools, delivered its new curricula for the first time in a hybrid format that extended access to 140 emerging future leaders. In addition, our new human-resources platform, HR One, streamlined the HR processes by combining employee recruitment, onboarding, learning, compensation, performance & goals, succession & development, and core competencies into a single unified system. We also introduced a “New Hire Experience” portal to provide resources and channels for new employees to enhance their onboarding process.
The combination of geopolitical tensions and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic pushed SABIC to look into scenarios and their resulting impact on the supply chain strategically and globally. We had to sustain healthy inventory levels, secure capacity and balance customer service levels with cost effectiveness while reducing emissions in our approach. We assured our partners and collaborators that preventive measures have been taken to ensure smooth operations in supply chains, improving communications in our supply chain strategy and reinforcing our social and environmental responsibilities moving forward.
At SABIC, we seek to create Chemistry that Matters™ in a manner that respects and fosters human rights in our daily operations. We embrace this same position with our business partners in our value chain, in the communities where we operate and in the application and use of our products. Our approach to human rights is in accordance with the following frameworks:
– UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
– International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
– Principles of the UN Global Compact
To further engage stakeholders in our ongoing efforts, in 2022 we launched our Human Rights Program webpage with links to our commitments and the programs we run in support of those commitments. For further information, please see: https://www.sabic.com/en/about/our-compliance-culture/our-human-rights-program.
2022 highlights
Human Capital
In 2022, SABIC received the “Top Employer Asia Pacific” award for the 10th consecutive year from the Top Employer Institute; SABIC Mexico was named “Great Place to Work,” ranking 13th among the Top 100 companies to work at in Mexico; and we were also honored at the 2022 STEP Ahead Awards. These awards, among others, provide strong testimony to our position as a preferred employer in the chemicals industry.
Social Impact and Community Relationships
This year, we invested US$ 28.9 million in 124 Global CSR programs that reached over 160,000 people in 20 countries. We initiated the SABIC Pioneers program with 1,468 retired employees; this program allows us to collaborate and benefit from the expertise and knowledge of SABIC retirees. The Evansville Mayor and the Human Rights Commission recognized the Mt. Vernon Allyship team for their leadership in developing supportive diversity strategies in SABIC during the Annual Celebration of Diversity Dinner. SABIC was honored by the Ministry of Education for its valued efforts in supporting Saudi male and female students through robot laboratories, science support, and creative classes. SABIC’s Global CSR gained membership in the National Committee for Social Responsibility in the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for policy, guidelines, and incentive program development.
Supply Chain
Embedding sustainability into the company’s procurement processes, policies and culture as a foundational pillar is a key part of SABIC’s sustainable procurement strategy. SABIC recently joined TfS, a procurement-driven initiative created by chemical companies.

We have embedded sustainability into the company’s procurement processes.