EHSS will remain a priority in our global operations as we continue to extend our reach and expand our product portfolio across the globe. A key aspect of this commitment will be the training and development of our employees, contractors, and engagement with external stakeholders.
Our commitment toward SAFER and EHSS Maturity will continue to be upheld in 2022, while also enhancing our monitoring and innovative technology applications for greater responsiveness in our EHSS efforts.
Product Safety changes and challenges abound in today’s global environment. It is an exciting time and SABIC continues to evolve to meet these needs. A glimpse of our future focus includes:
1. Connecting demands of enhanced transparency with increased efficiency in the way we communicate
2. Maintaining a strong product compliance foundation as we respond to these emerging needs and expectations
3. Intensifying our connection to our overall sustainability goals such as circularity and safer chemistry

EHSS will remain a priority in our global operations and a key aspect of this commitment will be the training and development of our employees.