Our Approach and Performance
Protecting environmental and human health, safety, and security (EHSS) is at the heart of our business. From educating our stakeholders, to creating sustainable product life cycles, to promoting health and safety in the communities where we live and work, we strive to create a culture of stewardship. We continually seek to improve our EHSS performance and to strengthen health and safety competencies and policies across our Organization.
In 2021, our Global Industrial Hygiene Team conducted a high quality Health Risk Assessment at SABIC sites. In-house health risk assessment workshops and training for 43 Middle East and Africa (MEA) employees were conducted. The EHSS Maturity method, which was launched in early 2020 as a new criterion to monitor EHSS performance of each SABIC site based on a number of KPIs, was further fine-tuned. A global feedback exercise was initiated to ensure collaborative engagement between Global EHSS subject-matter experts and all SABIC sites, to further refine the Maturity approach and calculations.
The SABIC EHSS Executive Council met biannually in 2021 to monitor our global EHSS performance against strategic objectives and to offer guidance and direction. In addition, the leaders of site, functional, and manufacturing affiliates, who participate in the Council, met every quarter to coordinate strategies and monitor implementation of Council directives. The SABIC Product Stewardship Council, meanwhile, shared best practices and addressed EHSS risks within the product portfolio.

We are committed to operate our facilities in an environmentally safe manner.
We retained our strategic focus on strengthening EHSS governance and application despite ongoing global market and supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19. The EHSS performance of all our entities were monitored globally using a number of KPIs. We have selected our KPIs to drive performance and enhance visibility, ensure focus on key SHEM/OMS priorities, provide accountability, allow for internal and global EHSS benchmarking, identify and bring insights to address chronic issues, and provide inputs for site SHEM/OMS audits as well as provide a mechanism to identify focus sites.
This year’s EHSS Culture Survey involved 16,730 participants globally, with over 260 global training events, in a Hearts & Minds exercise as part of our OMS-111 standard corporate training programs and efforts to gain a better understanding of employees’ perceptions of their work environment. Meanwhile, the SHEMS/OMS Training Packages Project targeted all personnel across the Organization to achieve excellence in EHSS performance. Over 25 modules and competency programs were completed. In addition, our Connect and Protect campaign, which examines safety behaviors, systems, and culture, published 32 bulletins to communicate globally. We have also strengthened our EHSS management, performance monitoring, and stewardship through digitalization and use of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
2021 Highlights
Awards and recognitions
- We were recognized for our commitment to the Operation Clean Sweep® program by The Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA)
- Our Certified Circular Polymers won the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) award
- ABIC Asia-Pacific (APAC) won the 2021 Responsible Care® Chairman’s Award
EHSS initiatives
- Strengthened EHSS competencies through our collaboration with Saudi Aramco
- Revised SHEM-10 to align with the International Process Safety Standard API-754
- Conducted an Integrated Emergency Response drill at Royal Commission Pipeline Corridor
- An Emergency Management Services study was conducted to enhance the emergency response of our KSA affiliates
- SABIC EHSS Corporate achieved recertification in Responsible Care® 14001:2015 (Including ISO 14001)
- In Saudi Arabia, we also achieved certification in ISO 45001:2018 for the first time
- Trained 121 SABIC employees in the SABIC Assurance for EHSS Risk (SAFER) program
- Conducted two audits to measure SHEM/OMS effectiveness and 21 SHEM elements and sub-elements were updated through Global SME
- The global rollout of the eSHEM Phase II continued
- The Heart & Minds philosophy and Maturity framework is being used to support the efforts of improving culture and training was completed in the Americas, European Union and Middle East/Africa
- The Visibility Workshop at Hadeed was attended by 130 leaders

We work with our stakeholders to enhance their awareness of EHSS.
Key metrics
Customer product inquiries